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Video Resources

3-Sensor vs. Bayer Color Cameras

4:25 Published on: 28-05-2018

More and more machine vision applications require color imaging. This video describes some of the advantages offered by 3CCD color cameras as compared to cameras with Bayer color filters.

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VISCAM 1000 Vehicle Imaging System

4:22 Published on: 27-05-2018

The VISCAM 1000 is a complete imaging system for capturing high quality plate and vehicle images in ITS (traffic) applications involving fast-moving traffic. This video summarizes the combination of advanced features that make the VISCAM 1000 much more powerful than the typical traffic camera.

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Multispectral imaging with JAI's Fusion Series

3:35 Published on: 27-05-2018

Some machine vision applications can benefit from simultaneous visible and near-infrared inspection. This video describes how JAI's prism-based 2CCD cameras support efficient multi-spectral imaging in a wide range of applications.

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Far Eastern Toll Collection Case Study

5:56 Published on: 27-05-2018

In one of the largest projects of its kind, FETC has implemented an electronic tolling system on 1000 km of highways in Taiwan. JAI provided the imaging technology, including over 1000 VISCAM systems and LED flash units. This video describes the objectives and the benefits of this "free-flow" tolling project which has lowered fuel consumption, reduced pollution levels, and provided users with an optimal level of safety.

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