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Go-X Series
Go Series
Spark Series
Fusion Series
Fusion Flex-Eye
Apex Series
Apex 顕微鏡観察用カメラソリューション
Sweep Series
Sweep+ Series
高い色再現性、高感度、マルチスペクトルオプションも備えたマルチセンサ・プリズム分光式、RGB、RGB/NIR、RGB/SWIR ラインスキャンカメラです。
Wave Series

eBUS SDK Older Versions

This page provides access to previous versions of the eBUS SDK for JAI. For the most current version, please return to the main JAI Software page.

The eBUS SDK for JAI is a powerful new SDK for building vision systems that utilize JAI cameras. It is based on the eBUS SDK by Pleora and is specifically designed for use only with JAI cameras. The eBUS SDK for JAI consists of an SDK (Software Development Kit) and a Player.

The eBUS Player is application software for directly accessing and controlling JAI cameras in a non-programmatic way. It can be used for testing and evaluation of JAI cameras with GigE Vision or USB3 Vision interfaces. The SDK is packaged software that enables system developers to easily build programs for integrating JAI cameras into vision systems.



1. GigE VisionまたはUSB3 Visionのいずれかのインタフェースを備えていること
2. CMOSセンサを備えていること


Go-X Series: GOX-2402M/C-USB, GOX-2402M/C-PGE, GOX-3200M/C-USB, GOX-3201M/C-USB, GOX-3201M/C-PGE, GOX-5102M/C-USB, GOX-5103M/C-USB, GOX-5103M/C-PGE, GOX-5105M/C-PGE, GOX-5105M/C-5GE, GOX-8105M/C-PGE, GOX-8105M/C-5GE, GOX-8901M/C-USB, GOX-8901M/C-PGE, GOX-12401M/C-USB, GOX-12401M/C-PGE, GOX-12405M/C-PGE, GOX-12405M/C-5GE, GOX-16205M/C-PGE, GOX-16205M/C-5GE, GOX-20405M/C-PGE, GOX-20405M/C-5GE, GOX-24505M/C-PGE, GOX-24505M/C-5GE
Go Series: GO-2400M/C-USB, GO-2400M/C-PGE, GO-2401M/C-PGE, GO-5000M-USB, GO-5000M-PGE, GO-5100M/C-USB, GO-5100M/C-PGE, GO-5101M/C-PGE, GO-5100MP-PGE, GO-5100MP-USB, GO-8105M-5GE-UV
Spark Series: SP-5000M/C-USB, SP-12401M/C-PGE, SP-12401M/C-USB, SP-20000M/C-USB
Apex Series: AP-3200T-10GE, AP-3200T-USB, AP-3200T-USP-LS, AP-3200T-USB-LSX, AP-3200T-PGE, AP-1600T-USB, AP-1600T-USB-LS, AP-1600T-USB-LSX, AP-1600T-PGE
Fusion Series: FS-1600D-10GE, FS-1600T-10GE-NNM, FS-3200D-10GE, FS-3200T-10GE-NNC, Fusion Series Flex-Eye custom multispectral cameras
Sweep Series: SW-4000TL-10GE, SW-4000TL-SFP
Sweep+ Series: SW-4000T-10GE, SW-4000T-SFP, SW-4000Q-10GE, SW-4000Q-SFP, SW-8000T-10GE, SW-8000T-SFP, SW-8000Q-10GE, SW-8000Q-SFP

Check our support pages for additional FAQs regarding the eBUS SDK or download from the table below.




旧バージョン - 6.3.1
Installation Instructions and Release Notes for 6.3.1 (PDF)March 2023Download
eBUS SDK for JAI (32-bit)
(Requires Microsoft Visual C++. See instructions)
6.3.1 (Windows) - 71 MBdownload
eBUS SDK for JAI (64-bit)
(Requires Microsoft Visual C++. See instructions.)
6.3.1 (Windows) - 155 MBdownload
eBUS Optional Companion Package
(for debugging, including PDBs for both SDK functions and the GEV/NDIS & U3V drivers)
6.3.1 (Windows) - 63 MBdownload
eBUS Merge Modules
(Required to package applications in an installation package for supported Windows operating systems)
6.3.1 (Windows) - 148 MBDownload
eBUS SDK Runtime Version (32-bit)
(For application integration)
6.3.1 (Windows) - 148 MBDownload
eBUS SDK Runtime Version (64-bit)
(For application integration)
6.3.1 (Windows) - 148 MBDownload

旧バージョン - 6.3.0
eBUS SDK for JAI (32-bit)
(Refer to installation instructions below.)
6.3.0 (Windows) - 71 MBdownload
eBUS SDK for JAI (64-bit)
(Refer to installation instructions below.)
6.3.0 (Windows) - 155 MBdownload
eBUS Player User Guide (PDF)6.3 - 28 March 2023download
Installation Instructions and Release Notes (PDF)March 2023download
eBUS Optional Companion Package
(For debugging, including PDBs for both SDK functions and the GEV/NDIS & U3V drivers)
6.3.0 (Windows) - 57 MBdownload
eBUS Merge Modules
(Required to package applications in an installation package for supported Windows operating systems)
6.3.0 (Windows) - 147 MBdownload
eBUS SDK Runtime Version (32-bit)
(For application integration)
6.3.0 (Windows) - 47 MBdownload
eBUS SDK Runtime Version (64-bit)
(For application integration)
6.3.0 (Windows) - 148 MBdownload
旧バージョン - 6.2.15
eBUS SDK for JAI (32-bit)
(Refer to installation instructions below.)
6.2.15 (Windows) - 71 MBdownload
eBUS SDK for JAI (64-bit)
(Refer to installation instructions below.)
6.2.15 (Windows) - 155 MBdownload
eBUS Player User Guide (PDF)6.2 - 4 March 2021download
Installation Instructions and Release Notes (PDF)December 2022download
eBUS Optional Companion Package
(For debugging, including PDBs for both SDK functions and the GEV/NDIS & U3V drivers)
6.2.15 (Windows) - 60 MBdownload
eBUS Merge Modules
(Required to package applications in an installation package for supported Windows operating systems)
6.2.15 (Windows) - 146 MBdownload
eBUS SDK Runtime Version (32-bit)
(For application integration)
6.2.15 (Windows) - 47 MBdownload
eBUS SDK Runtime Version (64-bit)
(For application integration)
6.2.15 (Windows) - 148 MBdownload
旧バージョン - 6.2.8
eBUS SDK for JAI (32-bit)6.2.8 (Windows) - 71 MBdownload
eBUS SDK for JAI (64-bit)6.2.8 (Windows) - 155 MBdownload
Installation Instructions and Release Notes (PDF)December 2021download
eBUS Optional Companion Package
(For debugging, including PDBs for both SDK functions and the GEV/NDIS & U3V drivers)
6.2.8 (Windows) - 60 MBdownload
eBUS Merge Modules
(Required to package applications in an installation package for supported Windows operating systems)
6.2.8 (Windows) - 146 MBdownload
eBUS SDK Runtime Version (32-bit)
(For application integration)
6.2.8 (Windows) - 47 MBdownload
eBUS SDK Runtime Version (64-bit)
(For application integration)
6.2.8 (Windows) - 148 MBdownload
旧バージョン - 6.2.4
eBUS SDK for JAI (32-bit)
(Requires Microsoft Visual C++. See instructions)
6.2.4 (Windows) - 70 MBdownload
eBUS SDK for JAI (64-bit)
(Requires Microsoft Visual C++. See instructions.)
6.2.4 (Windows) - 154 MBdownload
Installation Instructions and Release Notes (PDF)January 2021download
Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable packageLatest Versiondownload
旧バージョン - 6.1.4
eBUS SDK for JAI (32-bit)6.1.4 (Windows) - 30 MBdownload
eBUS SDK for JAI (64-bit)6.1.4 (Windows) - 49 MBdownload
旧バージョン - 5.1.10
eBUS SDK for JAI (32-bit)5.1.10 (Windows) - 28 MBdownload
eBUS SDK for JAI (64-bit)5.1.10 (Windows) - 45 MBdownload
eBUS Player User Guide (PDF)5.0 - 03 May 2018download
旧バージョン - 5.1.3
eBUS SDK for JAI (32-bit)5.1.3 (Windows) - 28 MBdownload
eBUS SDK for JAI (64-bit)5.1.3 (Windows) - 44 MBdownload
JAI SDK to eBUS Migration Guide (PDF)02 April 2019ダウンロード

※サポートするOSは、Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 (x86 and x86_64) (Windows 7 Service Pack 1以降)です。



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JAI engineer APAC3

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